
Elfin Forest Harmony Grove Town Council – Keepin it Rural 5k/10k Trail Race and Festival

October 2019

Race Underwriting – $2,500


The Keepin It Rural 5K/10K Trail Race and Hike is an annual run/hike/festival event produced by the Elfin Forest Harmony Grove Town Council to raise awareness and funds to support the Elfin Forest/ Harmony Grove community “Keepin It Rural ethos and goals.

This will be the 5th year. The event has steadily grown with turn-out of  nearly 200 participants last year from all over the County and a target of 250+ this year.  The event is planned, promoted and produced by an all volunteer force of community members.

We are requesting $5,000 grant from the Elfin Forest Community Foundation to underwrite a substantial portion of the hard costs for the items necessary to the event.

Community Benefit

The event will raise much needed funds to support EFHGTC efforts to preserve and enhance the rural character of our community.

Sources of funds generated by the event include race registration fees, sponsorships, auction and raffle proceeds, “refreshment” sales, and cash donations.

The event will also raise awareness in the wider county and beyond through the various marketing, promotion and public relations activities entailed in attracting participants and sponsors.  Finally the event is a great community spirit building opportunity.

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