
Elfin Forest Harmony Grove Town Council – 4th of July Parade and Picnic

April 2018

Underwriting of 2018 4th of July Parade and Picnic – $3,000

Description: The Town Council would be very very grateful for a contribution to defray the multitude of expenses of our yearly 4th of July Parade and Picnic. We rent chairs, tables, have a DJ, portapotties, a great Mexican food buffet, pay county permit fees, purchase supplies for the beer garden and the children’s games for a Toal of expenses averaging $6,500. We do sell food tickets to cover the entire cost of the food budget.

Community Benefit: This is the major community event in Elfin Forest, which helps build unity with Harmony Grove and Eden Valley community members. This will be the 41st year, bringing families and neighbors together and building on the “Keepin it Rural” theme. It takes a team of over 30 volunteers to plan, set up and run this event, which builds community spirit.. In addition, the picnic is the venue for the Silent Auction which we run in parallel, one of only two major fundraisers which allow us to fund our many endeavors enforcing our painstakingly crafted Community Plan with the County and with developers.

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